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Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:54 pm
by MobiusJewelryDesign
Hello All!

I have recently got into casting and have been printing with the Solus for a while. I would greatly appreciate some advice. I am in the trouble shooting phase and I am starting with the green on this particular piece. I have casted with B9 yellow but I didn't put in the microwave or cure the investment for 6 hours like Mark recommended so, Moot! I test casted 2 pieces, emerald. Both had been in the UV station for 5+ hours and microwaved in distilled water like it was recommended by Mark. I mixed one investment 38/100(Flask 1) and one 42/100(Flask 2).....only thing, I used ultravest because that is what I have and cured for 6+ hours before putting it in the oven.

Burnout Schedule
Ramp 800 in 1 hour,
Hold 3 hours
Ramp Full to 1500,
hold 3 hours
Drop to casting temp - - 900
Hold for 1 + hour

The Results

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:55 pm
by MobiusJewelryDesign
The first two are flask 1 and the second 2 are flask 2

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:45 pm
by Archerm
You need to use plasticast to get the best results. Some are using Prestige investment with good results. You also must remove all the uncured resin first and Make sure you rotate the pieces in the uv chamber so all sides are treated with uv.

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:32 pm
by MobiusJewelryDesign
Mark, thank you for your reply. I'll try the plasticast. I just had a question though. Would you recommend the same resin prep for yellow as what you do for the green? I notice that i got better surface lines on the calligraphy lettering on the front of the piece in my gold casting with the yellow without all the resin prep......the piece still came out like crap but the surface of the lines of the initals in front were almost decent. Once again, I really appreciate all your help. :D

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:13 pm
by Archerm
I have never used the yellow. But it might be worth a try.

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:32 pm
by MobiusJewelryDesign
I'll try it out and report back. ;)

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:44 pm
by rkundla
Are you using centrifugal or vacuum casting?

I've noticed in all my centrifugal casting if I have any fine detail like engraving the inside of a ring shank near the sprue point, it will more than likely get washed out, which I assumed was due to turbulent metal flow eroding the investment more so than bad curing. If I rework the spruing or create multiple entry sprues to slow down the metal rushing into the cavity it helps with the integrity of fine detail.

I've been using also a 36:100 mix of Plasticast and still get some issue with Emerald and really fine/thin resin prints. Surprisingly, I have better luck with my heavier rings. ;-)

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:03 pm
by MobiusJewelryDesign
You get good results with heavy pieces with green? Cool! Gotta try that. Yes, I am using a centifugal. I've gotten better and better results due to the advice of Mark and many others on this forum(Thank you all!!!). I bought Ultravest because it was suppose to have a smoother texture.....::sigh::

I am planning on trying the same procedure with yellow.....I hate that I didn't buy plasticast, but what's done is done and I have what I have. I'm going to try and cast this stubborn piece with yellow and Ultravest one more time to see if it comes out. I know I'll probably end up buying plasticast, but either way, fingers crossed. I'll report back my results. ;)

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:25 pm
by nillard
Try a longer burnout.... Like 6 hours... Also let the flask sit over night if you already don't

Re: Trouble in Casting Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:54 pm
by MobiusJewelryDesign
I appreciate the advice. I'll try curing it over night and adding time to the burnout and report back. :D