Warped print/how to support this?

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Warped print/how to support this?

Postby Mikkopee » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:25 am

How to support this ring?
seena.jpg (52.26KiB)Viewed 16193 times

I have tried several different supports and positions and speeds ands exposures but no luck, model is always twisted same place:


I have no problems with other modes, this is the only one that wont work. Pleas help me before I go mad :D
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Re: Warped print/how to support this?

Postby Jewelermdt » Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:21 pm

increase you touch point size. Maybe add them manual. One on each side of ring up to oval area. 2mm wide support with .6 to .8 touch points.
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Re: Warped print/how to support this?

Postby Kokos » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:07 pm

Add supports to the side. Not where it is curved but BEFORE the curving starts and than maybe extra where it is actually curving.
Or try supports on the inside of the shank Before the curving stars and then some more where it is curving.

Also are other parts with the same or more height straight? If the bend as well then you need to check if everything is still in place and screws are tight.
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Re: Warped print/how to support this?

Postby Mikkopee » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:22 am

I have tried to add supports and bigger tips and different positions. No luck. Always same thing.

I have no problems with other models. This is only one with problems.
Joined:Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:38 am

Re: Warped print/how to support this?

Postby Kokos » Thu Oct 29, 2020 11:46 am

Very weird problem. Especially if all other models are good.
You could try to print the ring at an angle. Now it is straight but what if you have it at a 15 degree angle or more. Then the angle is not to much that you need to support the sides. But it might be big enough to solve your problem.
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Re: Warped print/how to support this?

Postby robin » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:32 pm

I tilt the ring ~20 degrees or until one edge of the head is straight up the Z-axis. Place heavy supports 0.5mm or thicker for bigger rings (no ball-point). Under Auto Supports, increase the "Support Thickness" to 1.2mm or higher.
You're going to need to support the prongs with ball-point 0.3mm supports but it should print good. I assume that's B9's Emerald resin? If so, it wouldn't hurt to lower the Z-lift speed to 75 because B9 resins are sticky.

20degrees.png (18.31KiB)Viewed 16110 times

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